
It is the objective of the 十大玩彩信誉平台 to provide its students, faculty, and staff with a safe environment for education and work.  目前,各中心 for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued warning travel notices for individuals traveling to and from African countries infected by 埃博拉病毒 Virus Disease (EVD).  By this 埃博拉病毒筛查政策, the 十大玩彩信誉平台 is following the recommendations of the CDC with regard to colleges and universities.  疾控中心不建议这样做 colleges and universities isolate or quarantine students, faculty, or employees at 这次只根据旅行记录.  

Based on the recommendations of the CDC, and local experts, the University of 南 阿拉巴马州要求:      

  1. Any student, faculty, or staff who has been to Africa within the past 21 days or are planning travel to Africa, must identify themselves.   

    These students, faculty, and staff must identify themselves by completing this 埃博拉病毒 travel questionnaire and submitting it to the 学生健康 Center or appropriate USA Hospital. 

  2. The 十大玩彩信誉平台 will conduct a risk assessment of any student, faculty or staff member who is determined to be at risk for EVD.  风险评估应 consist of sending the identified student, faculty, or staff member to the Student 健康 Center, at the cost of the University, for EVD screening, including a blood 如有需要,进行埃博拉病毒检测.

  3. 埃博拉病毒病的危险因素包括:

    A.  Travel to an African country within the past 21 days.


    B.  Close contact with an individual who has traveled to an African country, or who has been diagnosed with EVD in the past 2 months. 

    C.  具有以下症状: 
              • Fever (subjective or > 100.4◦F或38.0◦C)

  4. If a student, faculty, or staff member is determined to have a potential EVD exposure, state or local public health authorities will be notified and the University of 南 Alabama will consult with public health and local authorities for guidance about how 那个人应该受到监视.  Anyone with a potential exposure will receive education from 美国健康 Services or public health authorities about immediately reporting symptoms and staying away from other people if symptoms develop.

  5. Any student, faculty, or staff member who is determined to have a potential EVD exposure will be assessed for their ability to continue at work or at educational studies by a certified healthcare provider or public health official.

  6. According to the CDC, 埃博拉病毒 poses little risk to the US general population and is 在症状出现之前不会传染.  It is spread through direct contact with blood or body fluids (such as urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, and semen) of an infected person, or with objects like needles that have been contaminated with the virus.  This includes through intimate contact, such as sex, since 埃博拉病毒 can be found in semen for a prolonged period of time after a person has recovered.

  7. It is always good to avoid contact with anyone who is sick and to wash your hands 定期.  Use soap and water if available or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.  Doing so can help prevent getting sick from many different illnesses.  此外, everyone is encouraged to receive influenza vaccination.