
Guidance for Determining If a 财务利益冲突 Is Related to PHS‐Funded 赞助项目

  1. The university designated official(s) (Department Chair or Supervisor) reviews financial conflict of interest disclosures related to an Investigator’s institutional responsibilities to determine if a financial conflict of interest (FCOI) exists.

  2. Determine if the FCOI could directly and significantly affect the design, conduct, 或者研究报告.

  3. The designated official(s) (may involve the University Conflict of Interest Committee) must determine whether the financial interest is related to PHS 研究. 一个金融 interest is related to 研究 when the interest could be affected by 研究; or is in an entity whose financial interest could be affected by 研究 results 和结果.

  4. The designated official(s), in consultation with the Investigator, will determine appropriate mitigation measures to manage, reduce, or eliminate the financial interest by requiring a management plan to ensure 研究 is free from bias or financial conflicts resulting from investigator’s financial interests.

  5. If the financial interest is related to PHS sponsored 研究, the department chair/supervisor composes a management plan and forwards confidential packet to the Office of 研究 合规性和保证. As defined by the Public Health Service, the required key elements of a management plan are outlined in the USA Conflict of Commitment/Financial 利益冲突政策,第10页.

The designated official (departmental chair or supervisor) and/or University Conflict of Interest Committee shall consider, but not limited to, the following factors:

  • Financial interest is affiliated in an entity that is part of a consortium or will 否则参加研究.
  • The investigator is involved in 研究 under a subaward from an entity in which 他/她有经济利益.
  • Entity in which the investigator has an financial interest is a sub‐recipient under 研究
  • The investigator has a financial interest in an entity which 研究 space is or will be leased or from which 研究 space will be rented.
  • Intellectual property developed by the investigator is being used, tested or further 在研究中发展起来的.
  • Intellectual property owned by the institution and optioned/licensed to an entity in which the investigator has a financial interest is being used, tested or further 在研究中发展起来的.
  • Financial interest is affiliated in an entity whose products/services are related to the subject of the 研究, but 研究 subjects will not receive treatment using 实体产品.
  • Products/services are being provided by or purchased from a company in which the investigator 有经济利益.
  • The investigator has a financial interest in a company which manufacturers or sells 辅助药物:伴随的或比较的药物、装置或程序.
  • The investigator is a founder of, holds a management/executive position with, serves on a Board of, is a consultant to (with or without compensation), and/or has received travel income/reimbursement from an entity whose products or services will be used in, are the subjects of, and/or closely aligned with 研究.

研究合规页面- http://evcp.softlawinternationale.net/departments/Research/compliance/conflict-of-interest/policies-guidelines.html